

大气污染与最佳管控策略 - 美国能源革命与环境影响

课程编码:083M7006H 英文名称:Atmospheric Pollution and the Best Efficient Emission Control Strategies - U.S. Shale Revolu-tion and Its Environmental Impact 课时:20 学分:1.00 课程属性:高级强化课 主讲教师:高绍凯

本课程面向环境科学和环境工程领域具备一定大气科学知识的研究生。 课程结合学科发展的现状,以及授课教师在美国的科研与工作经历,全面介绍大气科研的活跃领域, 并结合美国页岩油革命和配方燃料政策,以深入浅出的方式介绍具体工业过程所带来的环境挑战与机遇,从而使学生能从独特的视角来理解大气科研领域,工业领域,以及政策制定部门的关系, 从而为今后在相关领域的工作打下基础。

The course is designed for students who major in environmental science and engineering, and have some scientific backgrounds in atmospheric science. The course will cover active research areas in atmospheric science by identifying the most emerging research needs. Based on the in-structor’s research and working experience in the United States, this course will introduce the shale revolution as well as the fuel regulation and reformulation strategies in the United States, and explain the environmental challenges the industry brings to the society. The students will have an extensive understanding of the relationships between the academia, industry, and gov-ernment in terms of achieving environmental mitigation and stewardship after learning this course, and will lay the ground for future work in relevant areas.




The course has six sections
The first section will focus on the basic knowledge of atmospheric pollutant, including composi-tion, health effects, and evolution behaviors. Importance and complexity in understanding of secondary pollutants will be highlighted by using ozone and secondary particulate matter as ex-amples. The challenges it brings to the development of efficient regulation policies will also be covered.

The second section will introduce the emission measurement and analysis techniques, control technologies, and source apportionment, and explain how all these knowledges can help in better understanding of emission transportation and transformation behaviors for development of better emission control strategies.

The third section will cover research in emission inventory and EPA certified emission test meth-ods for industrial processes. The research status in this area from EPA will also be summarized.

The fourth section will cover the atmospheric pollutant dispersion models and photochemical models, and explain how the models were used for development of the most efficient regulatory policies and the most cost-effective emission control strategies.

The fifth section will introduce the history of shale revolution in the United States, and explain how the upstream oil and gas activities as well as the downstream refining process will change the environmental regulatory landscape. Fuel reformulation and regulation as well as the mobile emissions will also be covered in this section.

The sixth section will briefly talk about clean energy, sustainable development, and the im-portance of smart regulations in developing cost-effective emission control strategies.

1. 大气污染物简介 (1 个学时)
2. 大气污染物迁移转化行为 (2个学时)
1) 臭氧
o 背景臭氧
o 臭氧健康效应
o 臭氧管控
2) 二次有机气溶胶
o 烟雾箱实验
o .野外测量
o 二次有机气溶胶领域亟待解决问题
3. 大气污染物分析检测技术 (2个学时)
1) 颗粒物采样器技术
2) 在线高分辨有机颗粒物飞行时间质谱技术
3) 美国国家环保局颗粒物检测网络
4. 大气污染物控制技术 (1个学时)
1) 颗粒物排放控制技术
2) 氮氧化物排放控制技术
3) 硫氧化物排放控制技术
5. 大气污染物源解析技术 (2个学时)
1) 源解析技术简介
o CAMx
2) 源解析实例
6. 大气污染物排放清单 (2个学时)
1) 美国国家环保局在排放清单方面研究总论
2) 排放清单细化
3) 排放清单和细化应用
4) 美国国家环保局污染物标准检测技术
7. 大气污染物扩散模型 (2 个学时)
a. 基本原理
b. 应用范例
c. 扩散模型与政策制定
8. 大气污染物光化学模型 (2个学时)
a. 基本原理
b. 工业界应用范例
c. 光化学模型在政策制定方面的应用
9. 美国页岩油革命以及其环境影响 (3个学时)
1) 页岩油革命
2) 环境影响
3) 上游油气开采领域排放研究现状
4) 下游石油精炼排放单元概况
10. 配方燃料与机动车排放 (2个学时)
1) 燃料配方
2) 生物燃料
3) 机动车排放
11. 清洁能源与智能化管控政策 (1个学时)

Teaching Outline
1. Introduction to atmospheric pollutants
2. Atmospheric pollutant evolution behaviors
1) Ozone
o Background ozone
o Health effects
o Ozone regulations
2) Secondary organic aerosol
o Environmental chamber experiments
o Field measurement
o Emerging research needs
3. Measurement and analysis techniques
1) PM sampler
2) Online high time resolution time-of-flight mass aerosol mass spectrometer
3) EPA monitoring and speciation network
4. Control technologies
1) PM
2) NOx
3) SOx
5. Source apportionment
1) Receptor model (PMF)
2) Source model (CAMx-OSAT)
3) Source apportionment examples
6. Emission inventory
1) National emission inventory (NEI)
2) Speciation
3) NEI and Speciation application
4) EPA Emission test methods
7. Atmospheric dispersion models
1) Principles
2) Examples
3) Application of dispersion model to development of regulatory policies
8. Photochemical models
1) Principles
2) Use of photochemical models by industries
3) Photochemical model VS regulatory policies
9. Shale revolution and environmental impact
1) Shale revolution
2) Environmental Impact
3) Upstream emissions
4) Downstream emissions
10. Fuel reformulation and mobile emissions
1) Fuel reformulation and regulation
2) Biofuels
3) Mobile emissions (MOVES Model)
11. Clean energy and smart regulations


于2009年在中国科学院生态环境研究中心获得博士学位。之后于2009年至2012年间在南加州大学航空航天与机械科学系燃烧动力学实验室从事博士后研究。2012年至2013年在加州大学河滨分校环境研究和技术中心从事博士后研究工作,并利用世界上最大的室内环境烟雾箱科学装置进行二次有机颗粒物的生成,迁移和转化研究。高绍凯博士于2013年加入美国第三大石油公司-菲利普斯66石油公司研发中心担任环境科学家,并从事石油精炼部门排放相关研究, 并为公司制定最佳排放控制策略, 发展清洁能源战略提供支持和帮助。同时,高绍凯博士在菲利普斯66石油公司工作期间担任美国“协调科学研究委员会”(Coordinating Research Council (CRC))大气环境影响委员会以及美国石油协会空气模型委员会委员, 并受邀为CRC Air Quality Modeling Workshop做开场报告,概述二次有机颗粒物领域的研究挑战和方向。期间,高绍凯博士在CRC工作期间与美国其他大型石油公司如埃力克森美孚,雪弗龙等,以及汽车公司,如丰田,福特,奔驰等公司的研究人员有着广泛的合作,并参与或领导了CRC资助项目的评审,决策和审阅。如臭氧,颗粒物,源解析,以及光化学模型等。高绍凯博士长期从事大气污染物的生成迁移转化,污染物源解析,扩散模型,排放清单,燃料配方与限制等方面的研究工作,并对科研和工业界的结合,以及大型跨国能源公司所面临的环境挑战、环境安全、以及对于环境科研人才的需求有着深入的了解。 
Shaokai Gao
Dr. Gao got his Ph.D. from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences in 2009. After that, he did his first postdoc in the combustion lab in the department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Southern California. From 2012 to 2013, Dr. Gao did his second postdoc at the Center for Environmental Research & Technology, University of California, Riverside. He used the world largest indoor environmental chamber facilities to study secondary organic aerosol formation, transport, and transformation behaviors. In 2013, Dr. Gao joined the 3rd largest oil/gas company in the United States-Phillips 66, and works in the Research and Development department as an environmental scientist. His main research focus on understanding of emissions from business units, providing technical support for development of the most cost-effective emission control strategies, and performing technical ad-vocacy to impact and shape regulations. Meanwhile, Dr. Gao also serves as a committee member of both the Atmospheric Impact Committee of the Coordinating Research Council and the At-mospheric Modeling Group of the American Petroleum Institute. He was invited to the CRC Air Quality Modeling workshop in Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016 for a plenary talk sum-marizing the research status and identifying the emerging research needs in the area of secondary organic aerosols. Dr. Gao has extensive collaborations with the scientists and engineers from the other oil and gas companies, e.g. ExxonMobil, Chevron etc. as well as auto companies, e.g. Toyo-ta, Ford, and Mercedes-Benzes etc. Dr. Gao has comprehensive understanding of PM, ozone, source apportionment, and photochemical modeling related research through reviewing and lead-ing CRC funded projects. Dr. Gao has extensive experiences in the research of atmospheric pol-lutant evolutions, dispersion models, emission inventory, and fuel reformulation/regulations. He has a deep understanding of the relationships between academia and industry, environmental challenges, environmental safety, as well as the demand for environmental research talents from the global energy companies.